Valentine's Day

I'm right there with the next girl as a hopeless romantic who would love nothing more than a day filled with flowers and a box of chocolates from my hubby, watching Romantic Comedies. I would love for my hubby to write me a sappy love poem and sweep me off my feet. But I hate people telling me what to do.

I don't like it that Hallmark and Proflowers and Pajama Gram and Shane Company are telling every man in America that they don't love their wife/girlfriend/significant other if they don't buy gifts for her. I don't like having a designated day for celebrating my love for my husband. I want my husband to send me flowers "just because," not because he's supposed to. I want him to surprise me with See's Candies when I least expect it, because he was thinking of me. When someone tells you you're expected to do something, it takes all the spontaneity and romance out of it! I want to be "special," not just part of a commercialized holiday.

I'm not a complete grinch. Chris and I will enjoy a nice dinner at Donnovan's on Friday night (only because we've been meaning to go there anyway, and we have a gift card to use). But we will not exchange "gifts."


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