Narrow Minded?

I remember when I first got the Internet at home; I was in 8th grade. It was a slow connection...dial-up, of course. But it didn't matter because it wasn't a part of everyday life like it is today. It was just cool that I was one of the first kids in my class to have email. And when I wrote my 9th grade term paper there wasn't even a standard MLA format for siting information found online.

I just had a flash to 50 years from now. I'm sitting in a rocking chair telling my grandkids about how I had to wait 10 minutes just to connect to the internet and another minute every time I switched to a different URL. And while I was waiting I hiked uphill in the snow. Both ways.

I digress. Rewind to today. At work, everything I do is on my computer. Almost everything I do involves being on the internet. But my computer feels like it's from 1989 (in reality it's probably from 1997, it has Word 97 on it...which is still really old!) and a T1 line that is split for phone/internet. It's not very good at multi-tasking! How am I supposed to be the efficient, hard-working employee that my boss thinks I am? ;) We're in the 21st century with broadband connections, not the "narrow"band connections of yesteryear. I should be able to download 5,000,000 terabytes per nanosecond. That's the speed my mind works...shouldn't my online connection be as intelligent?


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