Poem #1

So, I was going through some writing I did for a creative writing class. This was an assignment that was given as an "experiment." I don't consider myself a poet, but I kinda like how this turned out.

I want to rip it from her face,

Throw it to the ground, and

Watch it shatter into hundreds of pieces.

This addiction was once a convenience

But is now a drug.

I glare at her, hand glued to ear,

Pressed against her diamond earring,

Digging in the bottom of her

Louis Vuitton bag for that last bit of change.

The customers behind

Roll their eyes.

One man glances at his Timex and

Shifts his body weight with a sigh.

Maybe she wants to show off the new camera feature;

Or maybe she thinks the people around her care about

Who she slept with last night…

But the dirty looks around the room tell me that they don’t.


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