Winter Wonderland

Chris and I were in Mammoth from Dec. 29 - Jan. 4...a whole week! That's the longest we've been able to stay up there. And I could have stayed so much longer. Oslo has never been more tired in his life. He played his heart out the entire time and at night he was just konked out! It was hilarious...coming from an endless-energy dog (so I thought).

H loves playing with his ball in the snow, but he mostly loves digging. Here is him trying to dig up this tree. He dug about 5 feet...

On Friday it was snowy and fabulous! We went up to the lakes (where we normally hike in the summer). The lake was frozen over and was covered in snow!

Here's our cute little family in the snow. You can't really tell, but it was snowing and Oslo has an ice beard :)


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