iPhone Feature of the Day: NOTES

I've had my iPhone for about 5 days now, and each day I fall in love with it more and more. As if it's not awesome enough, I keep running across new features and find myself saying "Wow, that's SO cool!" Then I show whoever is around how cool it is and they agree. Then I tell my fellow iPhone junkie, Meli, and she agrees :)

So...I'm starting an "iPhone Feature of the Day" label for my blog!

Today I played with the NOTES app for the first time. I was making a shopping list for Target (very cool in itself...no more post-its shoved in my purse). I was about to call Chris to see if he had anything to add to my list, but then I saw a little envelope button at the bottom of my screen. Being the curious person that I am, I pushed it to see what it did. It pulled up an email with my list already in the body. I simply emailed the list to him...he emailed me back what he needed. Since we both have iPhones, we got the emails instantly.



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