iPhone Calendar

A calendar feature can be found on most phones nowadays. There are calendars in our email, on our walls, etc. But I never used a calendar to its full potential until I got my iPhone.

Now my days are so organized it's insane. I even had an event in my calendar to call my dentist to make an appt on Monday, and set an alarm to remind me to call (which I did).

I had this capability in my last phone, and I used it occasionally, but it took like 7 steps to even reach the calendar, then inputting anything was so difficult. But the iPhone is SO easy! You push the calendar app on the home screen and your calendar is open. You can view the month, day, or just a list of events. And it couldn't be easier to add/edit anything...you simply press "+" or "edit" and type. As seen in the picture, a dot on a day means you have something going on. You can touch that day and a list of events is shown at the bottom. SO handy!

Now I can tell you what I'm doing every day and don't forget appointments anymore (I used to forget dr. appts if they didn't call to remind me the day before). I even put in tentative plans since it's so easy...and since I'm SO popular I'm sure never to double-book :)

I LOVE my iPhone. Everyone needs one.


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