I'm in a weird place today. No, I have been for the past week. Ever since I came back to work after 1-1/2 weeks off I've been thinking a lot about my life and what I'm doing with it. I love my home husband is amazing, my dog makes me happy, and my crafting hobbies keep my creative juices constantly moving. I have an awesome place to live, a supportive family, a niece who I adore, and the best friends a girl could ask for. But I feel like I'm missing something lately.

Chris is working on his graduate degree and has a pretty good idea of where he's going with his career. And quite frankly, he and I have been discussing what he's doing with his life so much, that I haven't given much thought to mine. (Not that I'm complaining...he comes first in this discussion.) But where am I going...what am I doing? I know I'm capable of so much more than I'm doing right now. Eventually I want to be a stay-at-home mom, but I'm not able to do that yet. I know that I want to do something where I get to use my uber-creative talents. I've been trying to figure out how to make crafting more than just a hobby, but it's a slow process. My job at Christian Ed Publishers has gone downhill with the's now more stressful, less fulfilling, and sometimes just plain miserable. If it weren't for my co-worker, Erika, I don't think I could have lasted this long! But it's a job in a time that many don't have one.

Which brings me to whatever plateau I'm currently at. A plateau in my professional life. I've been doing a lot of soul-searching but am not quite sure how to decipher what I need to do. I have been putting a lot more effort into my crafting business and my crafting blog (Playing with Paper), so hopefully it will lead somewhere. I have so many ideas to make it even better, but not enough time (with a full-time job) to put those ideas into action. I want to love my job. It's something you spend too many hours of your life doing to not enjoy. I guess I will continue in my search for the next stage of my life...


Anonymous said...
January 14, 2009 at 7:58 AM


You know I am right there with you. I spend all my free time writing, and trying to make that happen for me.
I am grateful for a job when a lot of people don't have one. But we both want to make a living doing what we love.
I'm at your plateau and having a party there with you. This job is so tough right now, and we're trying desperately to stay afloat.

And just because it is funny, my word verification today is "poffie"


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