Tea Addict

The last time I drank a cup of coffee was Sept. 6. I've been clean of coffee for almost 2 months! It took a good 3 weeks before I stopped craving coffee (actually, it was the decadent creamer mixed with the coffee flavor that I was after). But now that I've switched to tea, there's no going back!

My desk at work is L-shaped. I have two small top drawers on either end of the L. One is for pens, pencils, white-out and the like, and the other...tea! And I'll admit, I've got candy stashed in there too. But when you open the drawer, you just see a bunch of boxes of tea. I like to have different flavors to choose from, because my tea mood changes from day to day. There's Chai tea, green tea with peach, pomegranate white tea, pomegranate green tea, a mixture of miscellaneous teas I grabbed from home, and my favorite - Trader Joe's peach black tea.

Peach black tea is my everyday choice if I'm not in the mood for the others. It's a little sweet on it's own, but not too sweet. The pomegranate teas are very good - and full of antioxidants - but I can't drink them with my almond milk because they're too acidic. (I drink my tea the British way, with some milk - almond milk, that is. I also add some honey.)

I was a little bummed to miss out on the holiday creamer flavors, but I may have a solution to that. Straight black tea with creamer? I'll let you know how that goes in the next couple weeks :)


Anonymous said...
November 4, 2008 at 7:52 AM

I have loads of straight black tea at home! Unfortunately I'm not allowed to get creamer because it is too fatty for Don. *cries*

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