My Etsy Shop

Most of you know that I live to craft! Well, as my projects have gotten better and more creative, I've wanted to sell the stuff I make. Some friends told me about Etsy (thanks Jen and Amy), so I finally set up my Etsy shop! (If you haven't heard of etsy, like I hadn't until recently, it's like Ebay but only handmade items.)

You can get to my shop at: I don't have a lot listed yet, but I've been working hard! And there's lots more to come! I've got oodles of ideas mulling in my mind...I'm gonna have so much fun with this! So check it out now just to see what I'm talking about...and then check back again and again and buy Christmas presents and stuff :) I can custom make anything, so if you see something you like but want it just a little different...colors or paper or embellishments or occasion...just let me know!


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