I'm all in

The first I'd heard of Twilight was over the summer. Vampires? I don't think so. But then it got more popular and hyped, and some of my friends read it and loved it, so I decided I'd do the same. Not to just follow the crowd, but because if this many people liked a vampire book, there must be something special about it. But I hadn't made it a priority until now.

Now the movie is out, and last week I got tickets to see it on the Imax with some friends. They challenged me (and I've challenged myself) to finish the book before I watch the movie. I found this a very daunting task, seeing as I began the book on Tuesday and I'm not the fastest reader (I like to read every word...and sometimes read them again). I was a little skeptic...it was hyped SO much by everyone that I didn't possibly think it could be as good as they said. But it is. I'm all in, and it is possible that I'll finish it before tonight.


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