The Dog Park

Chris takes Oslo to the dog park every morning. He's such a great daddy! But this weekend Chris was sick, so I took him. I do enjoy going to the dog park every now and then. I enjoy it more on the weekend than during the week...if I go during the week I have to go right when I get home from work because it gets dark so darn early now. I like to enjoy being home for a bit before running off I usually just walk him around our condo complex instead of going to the park.

I digress. Yesterday I stepped in dog poo at the park. I'm usually good at watching out for it, but wouldn't you know, I had it on BOTH of my shoes. I didn't realize it until I got in the car...the small space concentrated the smell. At first I thought it was Oslo, but then realized it was my shoes. WHY is it so hard for people to pick up after their dogs?! Why can't you watch them to see when they DO poo and go pick it up?! I see people's dogs pooping all the time, and their owner is no where to be found...they have no idea their dog is doing its duty. Maybe it's just me (and Chris), but we know when to expect Oslo to do his duty and watch for it. Sometimes he does it 2-3 times (and now I carry three bags with me!) I just don't understand why it's so hard to watch your dog and pick up after it.

/end rant.

That was kinda fun talking about poo for two paragraphs :) Well, I guess the poo talk was really just one paragraph. It was fun nonetheless.


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