Yes on Prop. 8?

I've gotta be honest...I voted yes on prop. 8, but I really could care less if two gay men are legally married. I want them to be happy and have the same rights as anyone else in love. One of my good friends is gay, and I love him and his boyfriend. They're going to Canada to live and get married...and I'm incredibly happy for them. Shoot, the gay divorce rate is probably much lower than the divorce rate for straight couples!

No, same sex marriage is not my problem. So why did I vote yes on Prop. 8? My problem with the whole proposition is what comes along with legalizing same-sex marriage. Eventually our education system is going to teach children that marriage is not just between a man and a woman. Maybe this isn't required yet...but just will be if prop 8 doesn't pass. I don't want my children learning one thing from us and another thing in school.

As a Christian, I believe that the gay lifestyle is biblically wrong. Yet, I don't pass judgment on those who are gay, and I don't necessarily have a huge problem with how they want to live their lives. But if same-sex marriage remains legal, pastors and priests and any other religious figure may have a lawsuit on their hands if they refuse to perform a same-sex marriage ceremony. How is this separation of church and state? If the church is forced to perform a ceremony they disagree with, the government is interfering with their beliefs. And if the church still refuses, they may lose their tax-exempt status. This isn't fair! And on top of this, if a pastor decides he wants to preach on how same-sex relationships are biblically wrong, he may be sued for hate speech! It already happened in Canada.

Now, I'm all for equal rights. I do believe there is something different in a gay person that makes him gay instead of straight. I've seen this behavior first-hand and truly believe that the gay lifestyle is for some people. But I also believe in the separation of church and state and want the government to bud out of the church's business. If you are gay and want to marry...go to Canada.


Anonymous said...
October 27, 2008 at 2:33 PM

There are a lot of if's in that second to last paragraph. Why would someone want to be married by someone they had to force to do it? Wouldn't that kind of ruin the moment? And schools are already teaching about gay marriage. And what do you tell your son or daughter when one of their classmates has two mommies or two daddies? It's going to come up some time, don't you want your children to know that it happens, or be ignorent of it until someone makes them feel like an ass in middle school because they didn't know? Knowledge is Power.
I don't think people should be able to sue a church for not marrying someone, that is the church's right to refuse. I also don't think it's fair to assume an outbreak of people suing churches just because one person did it up in Canada. Honestly, more people have common's like suing McDonalds because the coffee was hot. One person may have done it, it doesn't mean everyone will. Have some faith in the human race.
I just think you have to treat all humans the same. There is only one race of people...the human race. That's all I meant to express. Giving rights to some people and not others makes us no better than Nazis. I'm sorry. I still won't marry until everyone can-I don't want the stupid government in my relationship anyway. Phew. Jayma, you're still the best.

Anonymous said...
October 27, 2008 at 2:33 PM

Jerky coffee pirate

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