Happy Girl!

Madison has started smiling up a storm lately! It's so unbelievably precious to see her showing emotion and reacting to what you're doing (usually being goofy with her). She's also starting to coo a lot more too. (She's 5 weeks old now.)

Every time I see her the last couple weeks she looks more and more like Ashley. When she was first born I thought she looked more like Justin, but now I see my sister in her cute little face so much more! She looks exactly like Ash did as a baby.

Last week Auntie Jayma and Uncle Chris had the pleasure of babysitting while Mommy and Daddy were at a wedding. (Congrats Erin!!) She was such a little "sweet pea." She was a little fussy at first, but most of the night she just slept. The first hour she slept was in her carseat, and Holly was very interested in her. Then she was awake for maybe half an hour, during which I just took these pictures, fed, and changed her. Then she went right back to sleep in my arms until mom and dad got back around 11 (she loves to be held...she wouldn't have slept as long if it wasn't in my arms!). It was so nice to be able to watch her so they could go out and have fun! (And they did!)

Here are some recent pictures...

Maddie helped Auntie Jayma make coffee when I was at Ash and Justin's helping out.

She loves to LOOK at everything!

Watching TV with Daddy

Watching Daddy fall asleep watching TV


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